Medical Waivers

Complex and Difficult Cases

The nature of immigration is such that there will always be special individual, family or employment situations that don’t easily fit within existing immigration policies.

These cases need to be assessed and progressed on a case by case basis. This may involve a request for the application to be approved as an “exception to policy” within the authority of the relevant INZ Branch office or a special submission to the Office of the Minister of Immigration may be another option.

Medical Waivers

This is a complex policy area and can be difficult for our clients to understand on their own.

It is important to note that not all medical conditions prevent you from qualifying for a temporary visa or permanent residence. There are many conditions for which we can work through the Immigration process termed the ‘Medical Waiver’, which, as the term indicates, is a process whereby we present to Immigration the reasons why you should be granted residence/temporary permit despite your health condition.

As you can appreciate, health care and its cost is one of the most hotly debated issues in most developed nations. New Zealand offers excellent medical facilities but with growing demands the NZ Government has robust objectives that Immigration’s Health requirements policy must meet.

It is advisable to contact us first if you suspect having a medical condition, before you invest valuable time and money in the application process.

After all, there is no point in spending thousands of dollars and a huge amount of time and effort, only to find out at a much later stage that the application is likely to be declined due to health reasons!

Our Licensed Immigration Advisors will offer you an explanation of NZ Immigration’s Health policy and its objectives and the chances of your meeting the ‘acceptable standard of health’ policy criteria.

We will work closely with you as you make the decision whether to progress with an application for you.

Medical Waivers

Complex and Difficult Cases

The nature of immigration is such that there will always be special individual, family or employment situations that don’t easily fit within existing immigration policies.

These cases need to be assessed and progressed on a case by case basis. This may involve a request for the application to be approved as an “exception to policy” within the authority of the relevant INZ Branch office or a special submission to the Office of the Minister of Immigration may be another option.

Medical Waivers

This is a complex policy area and can be difficult for our clients to understand on their own.

It is important to note that not all medical conditions prevent you from qualifying for a temporary visa or permanent residence. There are many conditions for which we can work through the Immigration process termed the ‘Medical Waiver’, which, as the term indicates, is a process whereby we present to Immigration the reasons why you should be granted residence/temporary permit despite your health condition.

As you can appreciate, health care and its cost is one of the most hotly debated issues in most developed nations. New Zealand offers excellent medical facilities but with growing demands the NZ Government has robust objectives that Immigration’s Health requirements policy must meet.

It is advisable to contact us first if you suspect having a medical condition, before you invest valuable time and money in the application process.

After all, there is no point in spending thousands of dollars and a huge amount of time and effort, only to find out at a much later stage that the application is likely to be declined due to health reasons!

Our Licensed Immigration Advisors will offer you an explanation of NZ Immigration’s Health policy and its objectives and the chances of your meeting the ‘acceptable standard of health’ policy criteria.

We will work closely with you as you make the decision whether to progress with an application for you.